DiverseWerks Presents at the NSW Youth Awards 2017


Last night, DiverseWerks proudly supported the NSW Youth Awards 2017 and presented the Outstanding Service or Project Working with Young People from CALD Background at SMC, Sydney, on 26th October.

Mr. Pino Migliorino AM, Managing Director of Cultural Perspectives Group, announced the winner affirming that “DiverseWerks has been a cultural diversity expert for decades. Given our in-depth knowledge and ability to provide solutions, we are thrilled to be part of the celebration that recognises the specialised area of working with culturally and linguistically diverse young people”, he said.

We would like to take this opportunity to again congratulate the winner this award, the Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra (MCCI) for their project ‘Links to Learning. Running for over 15 years, the Links to Learning program has supported CALD students at risk of becoming disengaged from school to remain engaged in education, build confidence and resilience, develop communication and life skills. The participants are engaged through culturally aware and inclusive delivery of first aid skills, Duke of Edinburgh Award, volunteer projects, academic competitions, retail skills, and more.

The Multicultural Youth Affairs Network NSW was awarded a Highly Commended in this category – their program supports 70 young people from CALD backgrounds to build knowledge, skills, and confidence around the change-making process, providing them with the tools and techniques to create social change.

The NSW Youth Work Awards are an annual celebration of the exceptional work of youth services and youth workers in NSW. It is organised by the Youth Action, which is the peak body for young people and youth services in NSW, representing 1.25 million young people and the services that support them. The year’s awards came after the 2017 Youth Work conference. There are nine categories in the awards, recognising those who provide an outstanding contribution to the health, safety and wellbeing of young people in NSW.