DiverseWerks Multicultural Plan for Newcastle City Council Helping Pave the Way for Refugees

(Photo Credit: Newcastle Herald)

(Photo Credit: Newcastle Herald)

DiverseWerks provided consultancy services to Newcastle City Council to develop a Multicultural Plan, which is strengthening the social fabric of the community and now supporting refugees to settle in the area with ongoing support and mentoring.

An article published in the Newcastle Herald on 10 January 2017, provides details of the new Multicultural Small Business Program, which provides support, and builds capacity for refugees in the Newcastle area. This program has come about through the Multicultural Plan DiverseWerks developed with Newcastle City Council, which was adopted in March 2016. The plan promotes and celebrates multicultural diversity and contributes to positive economic outcomes.

We congratulate Newcastle City Council on their Multicultural Small Business Program and look forward to seeing capacity build, giving refugees the opportunity to fully participate in the community.