What Chinese Premier Li’s Visit Means to Australian Businesses?

2017 marks the 45th anniversary of China’s diplomatic ties with Australia, and the Free Trade Agreement which has been in place since 2015. Chinese Premier Li’s visit accompanied by a large group of Chinese business tycoons will surely lock in major deals between China and Australia.

With such a backdrop in mind and reading between the lines of a news release from China’s official government media – Xinhua News Agency, it’s not too difficult to see that the technology, energy, education and tourism sectors will benefit greatly in the long-term run, specifically so for E-commerce, Australian meat stock, milk powder, wine, health supplements. These businesses should gear up to take the opportunity to connect with the Chinese consumers and the community.

To read the news release from Xinhua News Agency, please go to: http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-03/22/c_136149212.htm